Developing the Whole Athlete
At NTC, we lead with the understanding that there are factors outside of the track that influence athlete performance just as much as the things that happen on the track. Our coaches are committed to providing athletes with life skills that promote mental, psychological, and emotional well-being, in addition to the elite level training they receive on the track.
Team Doctor
Our team doctor, Dr Cotton, specializes in treating NTC athletes and their needs. She is available both during practice, as well as, in office. Dr. Cotton provides both preventative care and rehabilitation for injuries. She also assists coaches with pre-hab, warm up, stretching, and plyometric days.
Athlete physical health & sustainability throughout the season
Scheduling/ Availability (those w/tight schedules)
Immediate Assistance with injuries
Adjustments/ Pre-meet Tune Up before races
Athlete Inclusion (keeps athlete connected to practice/ team , even if rehab is needed
Athlete Accountability (Ensuring athletes complete rehab plan)
Athlete/ Parent-to-Doctor communication (allows physician to physically observe what athletes may have difficulty describing.​
Click here for more information about Dr. Cotton & her services.
Mental Health Group Meetings
We host monthly mental health group meetings for athletes with our team therapist, Mrs. Jennifer and/or guest speaker. (Quick check-ins every other week)
Topics covered include, but not limited to:
performance anxiety, goal setting, body image, etc.
Free mental health sessions
Foster a healthy environment for all athletes
Increase levels of self-esteem
Improves concentration
Relieves stress & promotes positive attitudes
Click here to download & print consent form for your athlete to receive services from team therapist.
Athlete Progression Check-Ins
All athletes receive pre/mid/and post season meetings with their individual coaches to discuss training plans, athlete goals, explore new possible events, and athlete progression.
Through our partnership with Speedtown, our athletes are able to receive additional speed and strength training. NTC athletes are given personalized plan to strengthen areas of growth, while maintaining strengthening strengths. Speedtown performance coaches are available to assist athletes at an affordable rate, discounted for Cheetahs.
Click Here to Learn More About Speedtown.
Grade Checks
NTC holds a "No Pass, No Play" standard.
Athletes must hold above standard grades to compete/travel with the team. Progress reports are submitted on a regular basis.
Click here to download the grade check form to be completed, bi- weekly.
College Preparation & Recruitment Assistance
High school junior & senior athletes receive in-depth assistance with the college applications, questionnaires, and the recruitment process.
Athletes will have a complete athlete profile to share with college coaches upon the beginning of their recruitment process.