When is the track season?
Our indoor track season begins in October and ends at the USATF Youth Indoor National Championships the first week in march. Our outdoor track season begins in March and, depending on what qualification standards are met by the athlete, ends with the USATF Junior Olympics around the last week of July.
Where does NTC practice?
NTC practices are located in Desoto, TX. For the indoor track season, our practice location is Desoto West Middle School. For the outdoor/ summer track season, practices are held at Desoto High School- Eagle Stadium.
How many days a week does NTC practice?
Indoor/Fall Practice days are typically Tuesdays and Thursdays, with hurdle practices on Saturday mornings. Outdoor/ Summer Practice days are typically Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Specials Practices (jumps, hurdles, etc.) area on Wednesdays. Sometimes there are Saturday and Sunday practices, as needed.
What attire should be worn for practice/brought to practice?
The athlete must wear training flats, long, athletic tights, and a t-shirt or athletic shirt for practice. Also, they are expected to bring a thermos filled with ice water, track spikes, and a great attitude. Also, in your athlete’s track backpack, please create a “personal pouch” for them. This pouch would include feminine products, an extra pair of undies, wet wipes, deodorant, lip balm, sunscreen, and insect repellent.
My child has asthma. Should they bring an inhaler to practice?
Yes, she should bring her inhaler to all practices and all meets. Please write their name on it in case it gets misplaced or lost.
How do I know if a practice is canceled due to the weather?
Often the timing of the weather is unpredictable. In the event of a cancellation, you will receive a message via SportsYou as soon as a decision is made. Remember that due to the unpredictability of the weather, a practice may be canceled even a half-hour before it is set to begin.
If my athlete has to miss a practice or meet, what should I do?
If problems arise (if a team member has to miss a practice or a meet, questions about not being entered into a meet, requests to try a different event, etc.), we ask that the ATHLETE speak with a COACH. Missing practice because another team member said there wasn’t practice, not showing up for your event or to a meet, etc., is unacceptable. When an athlete does not attend the meet, she strains the coaches and her teammates incredibly. Thus, athletes must communicate to their coach as soon as possible if they cannot participate in a meet that is on the schedule.
Do the shoes matter?
High-quality running shoes and spikes are critical to the health and success of the athlete. That doesn’t mean the athlete needs the latest and greatest model—shoes can become expensive. If the price is an issue, there are many previous model running shoes and spikes that are very affordable and will support the running style and comfort of the athlete.
What can parents and athletes do at home that will help the athlete’s progress?
Sleep. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that school-age children (6-13) sleep between 9-11 hours per night; for teenagers (14-17), the sleep range widens to 8-10 hours per night. Sleep cleans the brain of toxins, helps muscles heal, and lets oxygen and water flow through the body.
Diet. Runners need complex carbs, clean protein, fatty acids, and plenty of water, Vitamins A, C, D, K, along with Potassium, Calcium, and Iron.
Support. Please let the coaches coach. Contradicting the coach removes the credibility the athlete needs to have in the program. The more the parent believes in the program, the athlete will follow. Please let the coaches work in the manner they know best--even if you were taught differently.
What type of beverages should my child have or avoid?
Water is preferred. Please avoid carbonated beverages such as soda. Also, athletes are suggested to dilute electrolyte drinks such as Gatorade or Powerade with some water, as the high sugar contents often lead to cramping. Pedialyte is also a good post-run or post-practice recovery drink.
What should my child eat after a practice/meet?
Simple sugars within a half-hour to an hour after the competition, such as those in fruits, bagels, etc., are recommended. Foods containing antioxidants will help your athletes replenish their fuel sources quickly and decrease muscle fatigue.
What should my child eat or not eat before a practice/meet?
A good basic rule of thumb is eating easily digested foods before a practice or competition. Examples include fruits, eggs, and oatmeal. Avoid foods with high-fat levels before a competition. Avoid sports drinks before a practice/meet.
How can I help?
As always, we appreciate any support that our parents give to NTC. As a coaching staff, we cannot emphasize the crucial role parents can play in the success of our track and field program. In a given year, we may have as many as 80 Cheetahs on our team, which presents some logistical work. We may need parents to assist at meets throughout a season, getting an athlete to/from a practice or a meet.